Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh yeah, I have a blog

Considering that I was a stay at home dad by day and a part-time sales associate at the dollar tree by night this summer (don’t even think about stealing my movie idea Hollywood!) , I feel like what little time I spent at the studio was productive. I was able to make some molds and quite a few pots.

Here are some mugs, the cups are casts from a mold I made this summer and the handles are pulled and attached afterward. Another good thing about casting is I have plenty of opportunities to ruin the mugs with bad handles before I get it right, that is if I ever get it right.

Here is a crazy pitcher I made by taking two failed projects, combining them to make a third slightly less, but maybe shamefully more of a failed project, but at least I have something to show for all the time and effort put into it.

1 comment:

  1. I like your "3 failed project" pot. I think it is a neat design. Also, I already sold the rights to Hollywood for the movie. FYI.

